
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Commercialization of health care : Good or Bad ?

Points to be known:-

Only 22 per cent of the health expenditure is public funded in India as compared to 44 per cent in the US, or 95 per cent in countries like Sweden or 75 per cent in all the market economies of the world taken together.

In Favor:-

Private hospitals spend vast amounts of money to buy necessary equipments. So, they are taking more money from patients.

Private hospitals keep their hospitals clean, and take more care of their patients as it will lead to a good name for their hospital.

Government itself can't invest more money for hospitals. So, it's better to give responsibility to private people.

Doctors spend a huge amount while studying. Most of them are taking loans to study. So, how can we expect them to do service to people without taking money.

Because of commercialization of health care number of doctors is increasing. It's benefit to patients.

In Against:-

Some Doctors suggests to take tests which is of a high cost, even though it is a small problem.

Poor people are dying as they can't bare the fees for treatment.

People ready to pay any amount of money as health is much more important than it. So most of the private hospitals are taking advantage of this.

Some doctors used to write more medicines than enough just for pharmaceutical profit.


Government should improve the quality of treatment in government hospitals. So, those people who are not having enough money can take good treatment. Then people can have a choice to choose between private hospitals and Government hospital as per their comfort.

Can Trade help the poor?

Points to be known:-

Exchange of goods and services is called as 'Trade'.

In ancient days, goods were exchanged directly. Later money is being used as medium of exchange.

'Free trade' refers to a general openness to exchange goods, labor and information between and among nations with no barriers.

'Fair Trade movement' began in 1950's with the aim of eradicating poverty in developing nations. Fair Trade focuses on exports from developing countries to developed countries, most notably handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey,cotton, wine, fresh fruit, chocolate, flowers and gold.

In Favor:-

It helps poor people to become middle class people by paying fair wages.

It creates the quality of entrepreneurship in poor people, So that their standard of living increases.

It supports the people, who have small business farms.

It provides safer and healthier working environment especially for women.

It's a advantage for all developing countries as it increases country's economy by exporting goods.

In Against:-

More than half of the poor people are not aware of Trade.

The goods imported through fair trade are of low cost than the goods produced in that country. There is a chance that super markets may buy imported goods and sell them as the local goods for high cost as there is no separate label for fair trade products.

Local companies suffer from high competition.

By free Trade, people have no restrictions to move from one country to another. By this, National security is at stake.


'Fair Trade' is better than Free Trade. Fair Trade is a boon for developing countries as it helps to eradicate poverty and every person will have a decent life. It'll be nice, if Govt. provides awareness programs about Trade in poor people.

Bullet For Bullet: Is It The Right Policy?

In favor:-

If someone is going to kill us, and if there is no chance to survive without killing them, then we have a right to kill them under the Article 21 as per our constitution.

If we keep on forgiving the terrorists, terrorism may not be terminated.

If any person knows that we don't punish them, then number of criminals increases.

In Against:-

As per Gandhiji's words "An Eye for an Eye leaves the whole world Blind", bullet for bullet is not a right policy.

Some people innocently doing crimes. In that case, we should not kill them. Instead we should educate them about what is good and what is bad.

If there is chance of discussing, we should discuss for better results, instead of killing.


Bullet for bullet depends on the situation. If we suffered because of them, there is no use by suffering them by doing the mistake which they have done. If we have a threat from them, then Bullet for bullet is the best policy. Otherwise just forgive them, and live your own life. Life is too short to be serious.

Brain-Drain has to be stopped

Points to be known:-

Brain-Drain means settling in foreign country. It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country to another country.

Brain-Drain is occurring because of lack of opportunities or lack of facilities for practical education in higher education in their own country or because of political instability or for other reasons.

In Favor:-

Because of Brain-Drain India is still remaining as developing country. Indians must utilize their knowledge and skills for India to make our India as developed country.

If all Indians utilize their skills for India, India will be the top most developed country in the total world. Because India has much skilled manpower.

Not only in case of India but also in every country, if everybody serves their country, every country will become developed and standard of living of every person increases.

Developed countries attracting the citizens of developing countries by high salaries and using their skills for themselves.

In Against:-

It completely depends on individual. Everybody have a right of freedom.

Most of the NRIs are returning India and using their money, which they earned in foreign country to develop their native place or for charities.

Some people are going foreign for better studies and they are returning India and serving our country. It'll be really an asset for India.


In my view, we should not compel anyone to be in their native place against their will. It's better if we make them realize that everyone must have will to serve their country and desire to see their country as developed. And the main solution for stopping the brain drain is providing opportunities for everyone in one's own country to prove themselves.